Andere Angebote Außerhalb unserer Telefonberatungszeiten stehen folgende Telefon- und Onlineberatungsagebote zur Verfügung: Telefon- und Onlineberatung der Deutschen Aidshilfe: Telefon- und Onlineberatung der BZgA: PrintShare onFacebookTwitter Offer Advice & Support T4T- TIN* Telefonberatung Chat-Beratung Video-Beratung Andere Angebote Noch Fragen? On-site consulting We will be pleased to advise you personally at our counselling centre (Rohrbacher Straße 22 in the rear building). Please make an appointment by telephone. Advice by telephone Telephone number 06221-19411, Monday: 10:00 to 14:00 h Tuesday: 14:00 to 16:00 h Wednesday: 16:00 to 18:00 h Friday: 13:00 to 15:00 h Search for an address With the HIV-Compass of the DAH you can find all institutions in the near. Free brochures and materials are available at the infotheque on